Friday, March 15, 2013

Pope Francis is a QT!

I must first share, for those of you who read this blog and are not familiar with my faith, I am NOT a Catholic. But I think I was in another life.  I believe if I went to confession, did some Hail Mary's and Our Father's I would have much less guilt and anxiety! I'm truly not making fun of the Catholic faith, I'm being honest!  I'm forever the outsider in my own faith.  I love the musty smell of the hymnal books and the organ playing them and the musical sound the geriatric population make as their voices are long gone carrying the proper notes.  I say this honestly also, as, I'm the youngest person in these "traditional" services by 20 years! My age group seek the Churches with the full bands, where there is a jumbotron that providers the words to the songs, where it sounds more like a rock concert than a time of worship.  I get the need for the new.  There is nothing wrong with this! I just prefer the traditional and familiar, much like the rituals of the Catholics.

I am thankful that I was able to watch the ceremony of the concave to elect the new Pope. It was actually my second, but I don't remember much of the first one. As I was facebooking with friends of the Catholic faith I wondered if they thought it was rude of me to post how I felt and the questions I had when I was not of the same faith?  I love religion and find it interesting.  I have been taught to not bring up politics or religion in conversations as the cops are usually called by the time it's all said and done.  With that said, when I have no investment in the subject, it becomes a wonderful opportunity of learning and insight!

I grew up in a town of German Catholics.  I have joked many times the only difference in religion between my Catholic friends and me is that they confessed their sins on Saturday night BEFORE they did them and I went to Church Sunday morning and asked for forgiveness AFTER I did them.

One of the most special moments of this entire Pope process was a dear friend of mine, after my many questions and affirming my love of the Catholic faith on facebook, asked me if I wanted to attend a service with her and her family.  I loved that she would do that!  And, as I told Michelle, although I love the ceremonial part of the faith, I'm content to be a little Methodist Traditional Girl...and my knees are shot and my attention span is of a gnat!  I would never make it through their services! Just saying!

And last, just because I have an opinion and I'm going to share it, I think Pope Francis is a QT!  I love his gentle ways and how he is not "above" his fellow brothers or the people he resides over.  I wonder if there is ever an opportunity for a non Catholic to meet the Pope?  Maybe a trip to Rome and grab a bus?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Stir Crazy!

There is a big difference between staying home because you want too and staying home because you HAVE too.  When I was sick, my doctor basically told me I had to rest and stay away from places where there were a lot of people; grocery stores, Wal-Mart, Target, etc.  I got it.  I was obsessive about washing my hands even here at home.  Germs were my enemy.  I started counting the days that I had been cooped up in the house.  The days led to weeks.  FOUR weeks to be exact! After that, I did leave the house for a few very short trips, but even then I went back into seclusion and added a few more weeks on.  Then, with the snow, I added on another week!  My little car has been buried under a snow drift and we don't have a shovel.  And, to be honest, I wasn't too keen on being outside in the cold with that air hitting my lungs and making me cough worse than I already do.

So, tomorrow, I have a very early doctor's appointment and a lunch date/meeting.  And my sister might stop by on her way home to my Mom's.  All of this to say that I'm actually looking forward to being out in public again, even if it means I have to put on a bra and underwear!  Heck, at this rate, I might shave my legs and put on some makeup!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Losing GaGa


Delaney lost her GaGa today.  Those words alone being me to tears.  I can't believe she is gone! She was the glue for her family.  I have known Lou for over 15 years.  In those years I spent as many with her and her family as I did my own! I have gone through many, many deaths in my life, although I have never dealt with someone here one minute and gone the next.  It has always been a long illness or an accident/injury and you have time to say your goodbye's.

Robert had just picked up Delaney (Delaney and her Mom (Shelli) live with GaGa) and as Delaney was getting her things ready Robert and Lou talked about the roads. Robert told Lou to be careful on her way to work.  An hour later she was gone.  I have came to the understanding we may never know the "why" of anything that happens here on Earth.  It doesn't make the loss or circumstances any easier, but my faith is the only thing I can rely on to get me through these moments. I have to believe God has a plan.  A plan that is better and bigger than any one of us can comprehend.  

Robert is struggling.  He was married to Shelli for over 22+ years and Lou was his Mom as much as his own. He also had to watch his daughter cry her heart out today, and most likely many more days to come.  I am blessed that Robert and me were allowed to mourn with the family at the hospital and to be apart of those unbelievable moments when all you can do is love on one another. 

These are the things I will miss most about Lou (no particular order):

1. She always had her hair dyed a crazy color.  Dark black, red and most recently purple.
2. Depending on the holiday, she would wear bunny ears in her hair, Valentine's Day hearts, reindeer antlers, etc
3. On many holidays, there was not an inch of her yard not covered with blow ups, and other decorations to mark the special occasion.
4. She was always on hand for her grand-kids activities and was the loudest voice in the stands or on the sideline.
5. She had the BEST laugh!
6. She cussed and said words that made even me blush!  I have to say that I have added a few of her favorites to my vocabulary over the years.
7. She will miss the birth of her second great grandchild.  
8. When she hugged you there was a chance of some broken ribs.
9. She welcomed people into her home and family without a second thought.
10. She made really good grub! 
11. She was an extremely hard worker.

Heavenly Father, I pray that GaGa has found her way to you and is already in your loving arms.  That she knows she was loved and will be missed here on earth.  I pray that you wrap the family left to mourn in your embrace and let them grieve and ask questions, but give them peace and remind them of the good memories to get them through the heartache.  Please take away the stress and the questions of the future and give each person knowledge that all things happen in your time and you will not leave them or forsake them and will carry them when they are no longer able to walk on their own. I am thankful, Father, for having known Lou and for you allowing her the years she was here on earth. I pray for protection and safety for those traveling to be here to celebrate Lou's life. Thank you, Father, for loving us and allowing us to not fear death, as we are promised eternal rest through your Son, Jesus Christ. I pray these things in your precious Son's name. Amen!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Simpler Life

I have started reading a series about the Amish community by Shelley Shepard Gray. My Mom told me about it and it is exactly what I needed to read at this time.  It's just enough romance, humor, real life and fun knowledge of the Amish to keep me interested.

It got me thinking.  I would love to be living in the simple times of these people. But then I realize how much I would have to give up.  My shopping, my high heals, my makeup, my bling-bling, my fast food...the list is endless.  I have decided that I can adopt some of their simpler ways of life into my own and see if I can find a nice balance.

Could you live within the Amish world?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I don't have any!  As was apparent yesterday when I had x-rays done and I was told to take everything off from the waist up.  And then I stood there talking to the nurse in nothing but clothes on from the waist down. And then she politely told me that I could put on one of the "paper shirts". That were laying there on the bench where I had just thrown all of my clothes...that I obviously didn't see...and felt really stupid.  This is not the first time that I have done something like that.  It's not that I think I have a gorgeous body. I'm just comfortable in my own skin.  And walk around the house naked.  And pee with the door open and sometimes do it when we have guests because I forget that in the real world that is not acceptable behavior.  And Robert and Delaney laugh at me.  Robert can undress in front of me, but not pee in front of me.  Delaney does NOT walk around in anything but clothes.  And she is a modest sweet girl.  Who I sometimes envy.  And then I try it. And it takes me forever because I didn't bring everything with me I needed to the bathroom. And the clothes I want are in the laundry room and I have no idea where the half dozen robes I own are! And this entire time cursing because I would have already been dressed and out the door had I just went naked from point A to point B to point C back to point A. And I think wrapping a towel around you as you dart across the hallway from the bathroom to the bedroom is acceptable! And I think having a bra and underwear on as you make your way through the house to the laundry room for that shirt you need out of the dryer is ok, also.

I wonder how many people I have sent to the hospital with trauma to their corneas?  I'm surprised I haven't received the bills for therapy from my neighbors!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Blessings Counted

I have been overwhelmed with sadness for the families that have taken to facebook to share their tragic losses.  Not sadden because they are sharing, but that there are so many families with BIG losses.  And yet, they are finding the courage to face each day and then to document their journey for others.  It occurs to me that the facebook accounts are set up, I'm sure, to keep loved ones in the loop.  But then they take on a life of their own with so many people reaching out and praying for these families.  It's such an awe inspiring moment for me to witness.  I don't know these people that I am praying for, but prayer is universal.  God doesn't need us to "know" the people in the prayers we raise up to Him; He hears our prayers and answers.  And I believe in the power of prayer.  So, I will continue to hit "like" on these stories that touch my heart, pray for their specific needs and be grateful that there is still good in this evil world!

If you would like to follow some of these awe inspiring stories, I have included the links below!

There are also a few "hometown" stories I am following with loved ones that are sick. As soon as I have an actual link to their pages I will post those also.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

God's In Control

It has been awhile since I last shared my thoughts.  

The biggest thing that has happened since September is that I quit my job.  God gave me plenty of opportunities and signs that it needed to be done, but I thought I knew better and second guested His plans for me.  So, God put me in a situation that I had no choice but to leave.  I'm thankful.  I get asked over and over if I miss it. I can honestly say that I don't. I think the thing that bothers me the most is that I truly got caught up in the "we're a family" thing and believed it.  In the end the people that I worked with were co-workers. It has been a very tough lesson, but one I know I went through because there is a plan.  I have decided that I want to do something fun my next "job".  I don't want a career; I just want a paycheck. I'm not saying that eventually I won't go back to "I'm going to save the world" mode. Right now it's about healing.  And enjoying being married and being a step mom.  And watching Zoe grow and watching Monkey expand in the rear, if you know what I mean? 

Last, because being a step mom has been one of the greatest gifts God has given me thus far, I'm going to brag on my Laney Girl.  She has been getting straight A's.  She has started some new classes, one of them being art and she is AWESOME!  She is also trying out for the soccer team at Campus.  My time with Delaney is cherished and I wish I had more time with her.  What a bright spot she is in my life!